Crazy Ride - Michelle Branch


清澈女声:Michelle Branch -《 Crazy Ride 疯狂之旅》

这首歌乡村味道,Michelle 自弹自唱的摇滚曲风与舒缓的流行元素相结合,小清新又有几分倔强~ 



  在美国Arizona州长大的Michelle Branch(蜜雪儿·布兰奇),出生于1983年7月2日,自小便自学吉他和钢琴。在Michelle Branch的14岁生日宴会上,她得到了自己梦寐以求的礼物—自己平生的第一把吉他。此后,Michelle Branch仿佛就和音乐结下了不解的缘分。在一次纽约的演出结束后的后台,Michelle Branch意外见到了歌坛大姐大Madonna,Michelle Branch得知自己早已得到Madonna的赏识。最终Madonna将Michelle Branch这位年轻的才女签到了自己的Maverick唱片公司。成为继Alanis Morissette之后第二位由Madonna发掘的新人。(网络)

Goodnight big moon
Sweet dreams baby
If I could have one wish tonight
It would be that
You always keep
Keep the starlight in your eyes

So one day you’ll grow up
One day you’ll walk out
In this big world on your own
And there will be days when
Your heart will break and
You swear that all your strength is gone

And then you’ll find a way to carry on

Heaven knows that it’s a crazy ride
It’s never perfect all the time
It’ll pull you down and send you flying
So baby hold on tight
On this crazy ride

So don’t be scared when
You’re in the darkness
The sun is swallowed by the ground
You’ll think it’s gone
But it’s hanging on
It’s just on the other side of town

Even when it’s lost it can be found

Heaven knows that it’s a crazy ride
It’s never perfect all the time
It’ll pull you down and send you flying
So baby hold on tight
On this crazy ride

Heaven knows that it’s a crazy ride
It’s never perfect all the time
You know it’s just a crazy ride
It’s never perfect all the time
It’ll pull you down and send you flying
So baby hold on tight
On this crazy ride

Goodnight big moon
Sweet dreams baby(歌词来自百度)


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